Everything You Need to Know About Microblading, Powder Ombré Brow and more...  

Beauty insiders are obsessed with these brow treatments.

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When you've tried every pencil, powder, pigment, gel, and stencil at Sephora and your brows are still off fleek, microblading—a more permanent solution to thin brows—is the last-ditch-effort treatment that promises to change your brow life.  The face tattoo technique isn't as scary as it sounds. 

Eyebrows are central to our vision, they play a crucial part in accentuating and framing the eyes and are responsible for giving facial symmetry.  A beautifully shaped eyebrow can enhance your total natural beauty. 

Luckily there are some beautiful new techniques that can help us correct imperfections such as naturally sparse, missing, over-plucked, over-waxed, fair colored or unsymmetrical brows.  We offer different techniques to create your desired brow look. 

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a technique used to create real hair strokes with a manual tool, this process is often referred to as ‘brow embroidery’.  This produces natural looking brows and is a great option for those with sparse hair or looking to create a more defined shape.

 Unlike a regular tattoo, "microblading is a form of tattoo artistry where pigment is implanted under your skin with a manual handheld tool instead of a machine," Melanie Le, founder of Divine Brow Artistry explains.  "I draw hair-like strokes with the tool to mimic natural hairs in your brows. Even though it's not as deep as the regular tattoo, it's still a tattoo because pigment is implanted under the skin." 

What is Powder-Fill Ombré?

Our most popular treatment is the defined ombré brows treatment.  And we proudly introduce this technique that can create the most natural look of perfectly shaped brows.

This eyebrow treatment creates the softest shadow of color similar to the effect created with an eyebrow powder or pencil.  It’s a great option for any age and skin type and can be combined with microblading for a very natural result.

Powder ombré is the newest technique for brows giving a sharply defined, high style finish.  If you love your brows ‘on point’ then this is the look for you.

Say good-bye to everyday drawing of your brows.  Our defined ombré brows have a soft powdered body, a sharp & defined lower line, a light diffused upper-line and front, which creates the ultimate 3D brow shape and design.


At your consultation we will discuss your current brow shape and what you are looking to achieve.  Most clients will have something in mind so please feel free to bring in examples of photos or magazines.   Treatment takes time.

A template is then drawn on your brows, which will represent the final shape, I will ask for feedback throughout this step, ensuring that you are happy with both the contour and color match.  "I don't like to rush anyone," says Melanie, who blocks off two hours for new clients.  

This relaxed and informal consultation is an essential first step to your semi-permanent tattoo treatment.  We will discuss your goals for your treatment and cover any questions or concerns that you have.  

The treatment will then begin and will take up to 90 minutes to complete; at several points during the treatment we will check the results with you.   Treatment takes time.

The final step will be to schedule a ‘follow-up’ session once the brows have healed, this will be 6 weeks following the initial treatment.  The purpose of this session is to check that the brows are healed, that you are happy with the results and to perform any ‘tweaks’ if required.

If you would like more information or to book your consultation appointment, please contact us at:  (424) 781-7036.

How to Prepare ?

If you drink a lot, take aspirin, or use retinol, stop one week before your treatment. Retinol makes your skin thin and then you bleed a little more.  Please avoid blood thinners, aspirin and alcohol one week before the treatment.  

IMPORTANT:   Please consult your doctor  before stopping your blood thinners, Accutane, or any other medicines.  

It doesn't hurt (too much).  Pain is relative.  Some feel more than others. Overall it feels like little scratches. You feel it, but it's not unbearable.   The clients brows will be prepped with topical numbing cream and touch ups throughout the process to dull the discomfort.


That means protecting freshly bladed brows from all moisture–no sweaty workouts or washing your face with water.  

Some patients experience itching and redness during the first week, which Vaseline ointment or Aquaphor can alleviate.  Aftercare ointments are provided during your first appointment.  

Brows will look slightly darker at first, but the color will fade 30 to 40 percent. Overall they look great right away and you don't have to hide.  Slight redness and mild swelling is normal.

Aftercare is essential

Please review the following instructions below and refer to them as necessary.  If during the healing process you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You may experience the following symptoms for 4 days

  • For the first two days disposable ice packs may be applied to reduce swelling if needed.

Daily care for 7 days

  • Apply a healing balm (i.e. Vaseline ointment, Aquaphor or coconut oil) for a minimum of 3 times a day using a sterile cotton ball.
  • Wash your hands before applying the product.
  • We recommend that you use a gentle facial cleanser to freshen your skin during the first week.  
  • Keep your hair away from your treatment to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • Some itching is normal DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR RUB your treatment as the pigment may not adhere, heal unevenly and could lead to scarring and infection.
  • Do not have facials, use skincare treatments containing glycolic acid, retinols, Retin-A, and peels for one month following the procedure.

Avoid for 2 weeks

  • Do not expose your treatment to direct sun, tanning treatment, jacuzzi’s, saunas, salt water, chlorinated pools and direct shower spray.

Important Notes

  • Loss of some eyebrows during the healing process is a possibility; these will usually grow back within a 4-month period.
  • Your selected color will be stronger and more defined for the first 7 days days after application but as the healing process occurs, the color will soften.
  • During the second week the color will fade as the skin heals over the area, this will re-emerge during weeks 3 and 4.  
  • The approximate healing period is 14 days, however this can be prolonged if your immune system is compromised, if you are generally stressed or have a poor diet.
  • Keep in mind that some unevenness in color is to be expected; this is the purpose of the complementary followup visit, which is included in the initial cost.  However, if you do not attend your followup visit then you will be charged for further treatments.  
  • Cancellation notice is always 72 hours.

Long Term Care

  • If you are planning eye surgery or an MRI scan, please inform the technician of your treatment.
  • Please inform the National Blood Service if you donate blood, as you may not be eligible to give blood for 4 months

Results may last up to three years

  • Depending on the skin and lifestyle,  most clients come back for touch-ups once every 6-8 months.

“Great Brows Don’t Happen By Chance. They Happen by Appointment.”